Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Khalifa Al Saif - Why Project Management Is Significant for Business Outcomes

You may have heard the people saying that a group of team members with no project manager is similar to a cricket team with no captain. Hence, project management is a kind of indispensible function for business and is utilized as a means of fulfilling the strategic objectives.
Project management has grown as an important factor that decides the success of an organization. The expert of Khalifa Al Saif has stated that project management function is not just limited to just IT industry, it is across industries and geographies.
About Project Management
Project Management is a universal tool intended to give a successful way to finish a project within a predefined budget and given deadline. In business, this provides a worthy and highly effective structure which assists to recognize and concentrate on the priorities, track and measure performances and lots more.

Rising Need of Project Managers
Companies employ project managers so that that the goal set by the clients as well as the stakeholders can be accomplished within the decided timeframe. After all, companies do business, so there has to a good return on investment (ROI). The project managers help to keep the project cost not to exceed the predefined budget in combination with on-time delivery so that ROI can be protected.

Importance of Project Managers
Several people get perplexed about what project managers actually do especially in agile projects. The reality is whether the project follows the concept of waterfall model or agile methodology, the presence of the project managers will always be expected because of following reasons –
·         People are needed to be managed and aligned with the project goals.
·         Requirements are similar to wind that blows randomly every time, these unexpected changes require to be controlled as well as manage.
·         Communication gaps require to be bridged.
·         Process are not ideal, they require to be enhanced.
·         Supervise and manage variations and take measures to drag the project back on track.
Therefore, the successful project management method leads to business success with lesser risk, reduced costs and most crucial of all improved customer satisfaction.

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